
 Responsible Care

We at Beta Chemicals

  • conduct our operations in a responsible manner in order to protect the health and safety of our employees, the public and to minimise the burden on the environment.
  • respond to community concerns about our operations and our chemicals.
  • consider health, safety and environmental care into our planning for new products and processes.
  • share our experiences and offer assistance to others who handle, use, transport or dispose of chemicals in an effort to promote Responsible Care.
  • undertake to report information on relevant chemical-related health or environmental hazards without delay to appropriate authorities, employees, customers and any affected sectors of the public, should become aware of such information.
  • advise customers and other relevant parties on the safe use, storage and transportation of our chemical products as well as the safe disposal of any residues and containers.
  • endeavor to increase our knowledge by continuously reading up on relevant research on the health, safety and environmental effects of our products, processes and waste materials.
  • strive to keep up to date with government laws, regulations and standards to safeguard the community, our employees and the environment.